
The film aired in 2006 and took place in Central America, during the Maya civilization. The dialogue was even using Maya accompanied dialogue with English subtitles. Superb.

There's even a scene that shows how the Mayan human sacrifice to be offered to the sun god. Sacrificial ceremony was held on a giant pyramid. People scribbling his face, which at that time regarded as a form of decorating the face. So, like seeing the story of history are visualized.

Jaguar Paw (played by Rudy Youngblood) is a member of the Maya who live in the middle of dense forest. Everyday activities is hunting wild animals with your friends and chiefs who once was his father, Flint Sky (played by Morris Birdyellowhead). Their tribe is the tribe is friendly and does not intend to attack or possess any interest. They live in peace and their families.

When they're hunting in the forest while joking, they accidentally met with a group of other tribes who seemed on his way to flee from their old places, because the wives and children were also taken along. They speak of the ruthless group of tribes who had destroyed their village. So they had to escape before being discovered. They were also told that the tribe Jaguar Paw to get out of their present settlements.

But Jaguar Paw and his tribe did not believe it. They do not see any harm to their previous residence. So they came home, carrying the results of their quarry. Met his wife and their children while joking as usual.

But it turns out, the evil tribe did exist. Jaguar Paw woke up the next day, that there are people who are staking their settlement. Vaguely is seeing shadows that sneak in amongst the trees. And his instincts say there is something bad will happen.

With a rush he woke his wife, Seven (Dalia Hernandez played by) a heavily pregnant with her ​​oldest son, Turtles Run, who was a toddler. He told them to go into a great well that is dry not far from their homes. He lowered them both in a hurry using the ropes. And even before his wife and children arrived at the bottom of the well, his village was attacked by a herd of evil led by Zero Wolf (played by Roul Trujilo)

After leaving his wife and son in the well, Jaguar Paw immediately ran back to help his friends against the attackers. But their strength was not balanced. Jaguar Paw is not the kind of tribal tribe who are trained to fight. Weapons they had were wooden spears for hunting. Meanwhile the evil tribe has a variety of iron weapons. So in a moment alone, they lost interest.

All the women were raped and then murdered. Only a few of those who were not killed. All adult males captured and tied up, including Jaguar Paw. He glanced at the well where his wife and son in hiding, before they all lined up one way tied to the neck and forced to walk.

The journey that they go very heavy. Plus their position bound to one another. Right in the neck. So, if there is one among them who walk too slow or drop, then it will lead them all suffocate. So they have to help each other if there is a fall in order to survive. Not to mention if they were whipped for being too slow.

Finally, they reached the destination. Apparently, the evil tribe that took them to a tribe that is larger and more advanced again. These tribes are familiar with clothing and metal equipment. They worship the sun god named Kukulkan. The King was on top of a pyramid-bertangga stone stairs. Complete with the empress and the son of his crown. And it turns out this new tribe is more cruel again.
They give a human sacrifice to please the sun god. Young men was beheaded on the pyramid, and her head thrown down. Where thousands of people were waiting to arrest the head of the roll it. Mothers bring their babies and then waited at the bottom end of the pyramid. Taking blood dripping from severed heads, then rub it on their babies' foreheads.

They consider the bodies as sacred offerings to the blessed sun-god. With blood spilled like that, they hope the sun god remain as generous to them.

And it turns out, the evil tribe that attacked settlements Jaguar Paw is a tribe who are looking for slaves to be sold to these sun-worshiping tribes. King will pay for each person they brought to cut off and presented. While women will be traded in the market to be sold as slaves.

Two of his friends were dead severed first, before Jaguar Paw's turn finally came up to the altar for worship. He was a close look at the figure of the priest's bloodstained pemenggal dry and holding a large knife. He also saw the king and queen who looked bored in ritual killings. And he saw the crown prince looked at with a little excitement and cruel toward the candidate's sacrifice.
That's when Jaguar Paw's wife and anakknya remembered who was still inside the well near their settlements first. He was very sad to imagine they will die of hunger there, and did not realize that Jaguar Paw is dead severed. He prayed that was given the opportunity to live and survive this savage tribe. Suddenly, there was a solar eclipse. These tribes do not know about this natural phenomenon before. They consider that the solar eclipse was a sign that the sun god had had enough with the victims of their offerings. Jaguar Paw then was not so cut and
 returned to the tribe that has been captivating.

Zero Wolf then decided to kill those remaining. But they wanted to play first, before killing them. Jaguar Paw and his friends then taken to the edge of the woods, and told to run to save themselves. In the meantime, they will shoot arrows or showered them with spears. And there are children chieftain, Cut Rock (played by Ricardo Diaz Mendoza) was placed to maintain at the other end, if there's an escape from their arrows. He was then assigned to kill them before reaching the edge of the forest.

The first two people who were told to run and then crashed because tertombak. Then came the turn of Jaguar Paw and his friends. They are trying to avoid a spear by running a zig-zag. They had almost reached the end, when suddenly a flying spear, and on the abdomen Jaguar Paw. But he was not killed. When the child approached the chief to kill him. Jaguar Paw managed to stab him first, then ran into the woods.

The chiefs are very angry because her son was killed. They then follow Jaguar Paw into the jungle to hunt down and kill him. Jaguar Paw is injured running with breathless, trying to find a hiding place. Because he had no more power to run. Jaguar Paw then climbed into a tree and hide. The gang did not look up and kept running past him. But he did not realize that his blood drips and falls on his back one of his pursuers.

When they finally stop chasing because of lost track, one of them saw blood stains on the back of his friend and soon realized that Jaguar Paw hiding in the trees. They had intended to go back to the way they had come to check back. When suddenly they heard footsteps of people who were running. and they

guess if it is Jaguar Paw who is trying to escape. They then tried to run after her and cut the road.
It turned out that Jaguar Paw is running. Immediately recovered his strength and he ran like a madman who fear. But not because the tribe's hunters, but because there is a tiger who was chasing him from behind. This is unknown to the pursuer. So once they managed to cut the road and chasing Jaguar Paw, Tiger managed to catch one of them and bite his neck to break. With a reflex they killed the tiger was abuzz.

And these events have been discouraging most of the flock. They thought that killing the tiger would bring a curse that is very bad for them. Someone suggested they stop chasing Jaguar Paw and return it. But the Zero Wolf was so angry that his son was killed, still forced to catch up to Jaguar Paw and skinned her alive. So they have no other choice but to follow the command chairman.

Jaguar Paw who is very desperate desperate finally flung himself at a waterfall and safely reached the bottom. He thought he would survive and they will stop chasing him. But he was wrong. Sense of vengeance has made the Zero Wolf forcing his men also jumped to pursue Jaguar Paw. And he went back to running.

But suddenly he realized that they would not stop chasing him. And he can not escape forever. Finally he decided to fight them. He recognizes every corner of the forest, because that's where he was born and grew up. Because these forests are included in the settlement areas of his tribe. The first thing he did was throw a huge beehive toward mob pursuers. Malignant bees were swarming around them soon, but Jaguar Paw was saved because he smeared his body with mud.

One by one the members of the hunters killed by Jaguar Paw got them scattered, so the fight goes to the balance. Until finally left alone to live the Zero Wolf. At that moment a sudden heavy rain fell. Jaguar Paw's wife and son thought that was still inside the wells. He should immediately remove them from there, because the rain would soon overwhelm the well and make them sink.

When Jaguar Paw find the location of the well, suddenly the chiefs came and menombaknya but missed. Then Jaguar Paw must forget the first intention to save his wife and son and fled while looking for ways to kill the Zero Wolf. Because if he was defeated and killed, the Zero Wolf would have killed his wife and son because he already knew where they were hiding. And he finally found a way to kill the head of it.

He ran to where his tribe used to set traps to catch wild boar. He was fishing Zero Wolf's evil there. Jaguar Paw not step on the trap because he recognized the cirri-character. But the pursuer did not know about it and just kept chasing him. And he was killed with bamboo spears stuck body.

With haste he returned to the well where his wife and son are. Water in the wells is very high, up to his pregnant wife's parents should be standing on a rock while carrying their son on his shoulders. And that's when she gave birth to her second child.

Remarkable process of making this scene. The baby was actually born in the water indicated by reflex and waving his hands to float, but it is still connected with the umbilical cord. Then her mother picked the baby up high, and that's when Jaguar Paw comes to rescue him.

At the end of the story is shown, if it turns Jaguar Paw and his wife and two children are the last remaining descendants of the tribe. The evil tribe had massacred all the members of their tribe. And when Jaguar Paw and his family intend to go from the woods, they were surprised to see an object that floated on the water. The object turned out to the ship. And that was the fourth expedition of Christopher Columbus' ship who came to the place, as well as the beginning of the influx of foreign nations to master the place.